Hello Anna Larsson
Hello to Anna Larsson, you are leaving us in June after almost 36 years with FVB. You have been Group Manager for the Production Group in Västerås for many years. What are the most important production issues at the moment?
"Major changes are happening on the fuel side, with biofuels costing more as competition increases, along with increased access to surplus heat from new industries and hydrogen gas facilities. Many energy companies are also planning to invest in carbon capture. The big issue moving forwards will be to solve these issues in a way that is financially sound. Many new CHP plants are having financial problems at the moment."
You've completed many projects and met lots of customers through the years, can you name any that stand out to you?
"One that really stands out was working with Sollentuna Energi to sell district heating for new housing. I was regularly on-site with them, which meant I got to know the personnel not just on the heating side, but also the market side. It was a really enjoyable project."
What will you do once you retire?
"The first thing is a trip to Italy and I hope I will do a lot more travelling in the future. My husband and I also want to spend more time in our holiday cottage in Bruksvallarna than we've been able to do so far, and we like to sail in the summer. I will also have more time to spend with my grandchildren, so there's lots to look forward to."