Bernt Andersson, Production Västerås
+46(0)21-81 80 60
District cooling
Does your company need help with district cooling?
We introduced district cooling in Sweden in 1992 and we are the largest consulting company in the field in Sweden. We have been the main consultant for the development of Stockholm’s district cooling system, which is one of the largest in the world. We have also conducted several major projects in North America and the Middle East. You can be confident hiring us for anything relating to district cooling. We can help you with:
– market research
– feasibility studies
– design
– project and construction management
– network calculations
– system optimization
We investigate the potential for district cooling
With a market research study, we can gauge the interest level of potential customers and the cooling options they have today. Is there enough demand that would make district cooling a competitive option? For the project to be profitable, the properties should not be too far apart physically.
Our feasibility study lays the foundation for investment
If we see that there is market potential for district cooling, the next step is to do a feasibility study. This is where we examine the conditions for an investment by finding out:
– how the cooling will be produced
– how the network will be best constructed
– what the investment will cost
– what the profitability looks like
– how the facilities will be built
– the price model that works best
We make sure the cooling production is efficient
There are various ways to produce district cooling. Which one is most suitable for you? We find out by investigating and comparing the following production methods:
– free cooling from a lake, sea, or waterway
– heating pumps used in the district heating system, where you make use of the cold side of the heat pump
– absorption cooling, which is powered by heat and is suitable if you have access to inexpensive heat
– compressor cooling machines, which work well if electricity prices are low
Making use of free cooling from lakes, seas, or waterways requires special skills and experience. We have acquired this expertise by building reliable and sustainable district cooling systems based on free cooling in many places in the world.
Get the most efficient network possible
The networks for district cooling and district heating are similar in many ways. One main difference is that there are more materials to choose from for district cooling networks because they have lower temperatures than district heating networks. The network can be optimized by using plastic in certain parts. We have the right expertise when it comes to system materials and how to make your network as efficient as possible.
We create the right foundation for construction
Whether you are building a new network or expanding an existing one, we can provide support for construction documentation. We help you with:
– making network calculations
– making input measurements
– designing in 3D
– producing RFPs
– evaluating tenders
– producing construction documents
– construction management
The right alarm system provides moisture information at a glance
As moisture easily enters this type of system, we recommend an alarm system. This will quickly alert you if problems arise. For the measurements to be accurate, the design of such a system must be flawless. We can help you get the right alarm system.
Do you know which refrigerants are allowed?
Refrigerants that do not comply with the revised EU F-gas regulation are currently being phased out, and many refrigerants are already banned. We stay up to date on the regulations so that you can be sure that your refrigerants are approved. We can also help you convert existing cooling machines.
We troubleshoot and fine-tune
What do you do if the cooling does not come out as intended in the properties? We help you troubleshoot and can fine-tune your properties so that they are optimized for the cooling needs.
Proper storage of cooling can be profitable
Are you planning to store cold water for district cooling? This is often very profitable because the periods with maximum loads are short. This allows you to benefit from the storage. Storing cold water for district cooling requires small temperature differences, which makes it more sensitive than storing hot water. But we know how to build cold water storage.