Stefan Ellmin, Office Manager Sundsvall, Vice CEO
+46(0)60-67 27 06
Efficiency of energy & power
Want to have lower costs for heating, cooling, and electricity for your property or plant?
We find out whether you need to streamline energy, power, or flow to get the lowest possible energy cost and how it should be done. FVB has both the knowledge and experience as well as certified energy surveyors and energy experts to give you the best overall solution. We are also an independent party with no vested interest in the solutions we recommend. Our motivation is to help you so that you can reduce your costs, have a better indoor climate, and reduce your environmental impact.
We can help you with:
– investigations
– inventory of energy and power outputs
– reviewing your agreements and pricing models
– action plan with appropriate measures
– implementing measures
– follow-up
Keep track of the power
In the past, streamlining was mainly about energy, but streamlining power has become increasingly important today. Many pricing models – both for electricity and district heating – have a power component. There are also pricing models with penalties for those who exceed the agreed upon power. We take a system-wide view that keeps track of both technology and pricing models. This means that you can get a customized solution where you have control of both energy and power.
Let us help you map your energy
By law, large companies must regularly conduct energy surveys. Large companies include companies with at least 250 people and an annual turnover of more than EUR 50 million or a balance sheet total of more than EUR 43 million per year. Public sector companies are also included. We can help you with energy surveys so that you meet the legal requirements and get full control of the consumption of heat and electricity.
We can also help small and medium-sized companies make compressed and cost-effective energy surveys with a focus on fast, efficient, and profitable proposals for action.
Energy surveys may also be needed for certifications or to meet the company’s environmental requirements. No matter what your energy needs are, our certified energy surveyors can help you.
Give district heating customers a more efficient system
Do you work for an energy company and want your customers to have a more efficient plant? Our analytics group, which specializes in optimizing district heating and district cooling systems’ supply and return temperatures, would be happy to help you. District heating distribution