FVB Sverige AB, AAA diamond 2024
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FVB Sverige AB, AAA diamond

FVB Sverige AB is one of the 1 595 companies, out of Sweden's total of 681 920 limited companies, with the highest credit rating during ...

Oxelö Energi
FVB-News 54

Oxelösund switches district heating provider from SSAB to Vattenfall

Vattenfall will be supplying 100 GWh of heat to Oxelösund, which will mainly be produced by the Idbäcken CPH plant in Nyköping. Photo: Vattenfall. Large areas ...

The CEO's colum

A lot has to be done to ensure climate transition goes ahead. After a long, cold winter and what – according to SMHI – was a ...

FVB-News 54

Road project affects district heating pipes in Jordbro

Powerful equipment is needed to get a 900 mm diameter metal pipe through rock. The longest stretch through rock is 64 metres. Road no. 259 south ...

Take part in FVB's district heating courses in 2024

FVB will be running two courses in Gothenburg in the autumn: District Heating Today 1–3 October and District Heating Tomorrow 9–10 October. The energy markets are ...

FVB-News 54

New pipeline to be built between Sundsvall and Alnön

"FVB joined forces with Sundsvall Energi to establish whether the old district heating pipe to the island of Alnön could be renovated, but we decided ...

FVB-News 54

FVB manages major valve replacement

Selångerhus no. 4, one of the country's biggest housing associations, is replacing all the valves on its heating system. FVB is responsible for planning, design ...

FVB-News 54

The story behind the Oujé-Bougoumous heating system

The community of Oujé-Bougoumou in Québec, Canada, was built by and for the native Cree tribe. Almost all the buildings have district heating and FVB ...

Hello Anna Larsson

Hello to Anna Larsson, you are leaving us in June after almost 36 years with FVB. You have been Group Manager for the Production Group ...

New HR Manager at FVB

Marianne Brolin, you are the new HR Manager at FVB and join us from the Swedish Pensions Agency. What tempted you to join FVB? "It sounded ...

New recruits at FVB

We've gained seven new coworkers since the last issue of FVB-News. Rikard Säll Rikard worked for FVB between 2017–2023. He returns to the Production Group at the ...