Archive: 2020

Employees of the Year

Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 - David Jonsson An outstanding effort to get the work with 3D-scanning plants off the ground. With great humility and ...

Research: optimize the district heating network

Hi there, Kristin Åkerlund. You are leading a research project to optimize the district heating network. What are you going to do? “We will ...

A festive 50th anniversary in digital format

New ways of thinking and problem solving is something that FVB’s staff is used to. That was also what was required when the company ...

FVB-News 47: New faces at FVB

A warm welcome to Björn and Zinar. Björn Widarsson Björn is returning to FVB and the production group in Västerås. He has been involved in building both ...

Water and sewer investment in Malung-Sälen

FVB is designing the water and sewer network for Water & Waste in Malung-Sälen AB (Vamas) in the long-term work with the renewal and renovation ...

FVB-News 47: Curious about district heating?

Learn more about a great energy system that recycles heat that would otherwise go to waste! In collaboration with Professor Sven Werner from Halmstad University, FVB ...

FVB reviews district cooling business in Halmstad

Halmstad Energi och Miljö (HEM) has commissioned FVB to review their district cooling business. The district cooling in Halmstad has developed in a way that ...

Prefabricated pump station for Stockholm

FVB has designed a pump station for district cooling for Stockholm Exergi specifically adapted for prefabrication. The pump station was completed at a workshop in ...

Major investment in district heating in Barkarbystaden

Barkarbystaden is the largest expansion area of the city of Stockholm. A former airport was converted into a modern district here. FVB is responsible for ...

District heating over 50 years, present and future

“FVB started in 1970, which means that the consulting business has been running for half a century. I myself started working with district heating in ...