Category: FVB-News 50

The right temperature for a 300-year-old church
“Steam usually maintains a high pressure and temperature in our assignments, but in the beautiful church of Kättilstad in Östergötland, the pressure is no higher ...

How Ottawa is modernizing its 100-year-old energy system
Cliff CHCP (Combined Heat and Cooling Plant) före ombyggnad och modernisering. In the Canadian capital of Ottawa, the hundred-year-old district heating and district cooling systems need ...

District cooling is really hot
There is a great deal of interest within many energy companies to pursue a new investment or expand their existing investment in district cooling. In ...

FVB awarded Gold Diploma for highest credit rating
FVB has been awarded a Golden Diploma for Triple-A, which is the highest credit rating. This award is given to companies that have maintained the highest ...
FVB is looking for planners for the London office
FVB’s operations in the U.K. have been developing positively and FVB UK has recently been awarded major projects in both London and Edinburgh. Since the beginning ...
New employees at FVB
We have hired eight new employees since the last issue of the FVB Newsletter. Malin Karlsson Malin is a civil engineer in energy systems and strengthens the ...
New course, District Heating Today!
Our new district heating course is aimed at anyone who wants to get a better understanding of district heating systems – engineers, economists, and communications ...

New course, District Heating Tomorrow!
Our brand-new advanced course in district heating is aimed at experienced district heating employees who want to gain an insight into the future of district ...