Two successful decades in Linköping

The same year FVB is celebrating 50 years as a company, the Linköping office is turning 20. Two decades of development, expansion, and challenging assignments with an eye to the future, according to Leif Norberg, who has been involved from the start.

As part of FVB acquiring TD Tech in 2000, we also got an office in Linköping with operations in industrial energy.

The assignments were in biogas, nuclear power, and district heating. TD Tech’s Linköping branch had consulting assignments at the nuclear power plant in Oskarshamn and Tekniska Verken in Linköping, among others.

With FVB as the new owner, operations for district heating and district cooling were expanded and strengthened, according to Leif Norberg.

Expansive area

“FVB’s interest in Linköping came from the fact that the location was seen as expansive and district heating was well developed. But during the early years, we also worked with district cooling in Stockholm, for example,” says Leif.

Over the years, the Linköping office’s geographical radius has varied depending on how the situation at the other offices in the country has looked.

“There have been a lot of assignments in Stockholm, where there is always high demand. Today, customers are mainly located in Linköping and Norrköping, but also in a number of other locations.

FVB Linköping primarily works with biogas and distribution issues related to district heating and district cooling, such as feasibility studies, project planning, and systems analysis. Feasibility studies often have to do with calculating the profitability of building a district heating line between two locations. The cost of the line is usually weighed against the option of building new production facilities or modifying the existing production.

Positive development

Development has been steady for the office and there are hopes for new service areas in the future. One such area is real estate energy, where FVB Linköping is now offering services. Leif Norberg also believes in traditional service areas such as distribution of district heating and district cooling, as well as biogas. The major rail investment, Ostlänken, which will greatly impact the region, could also generate assignments.

“Ostlänken requires a lot of resources in many different sectors. For us, it could be new planning and maintenance of existing district heating networks.

The office has had three different addresses over FVB’s 20 years in Linköping. The current address, Kungsgatan 41, has been the headquarters since 2014. Moving there was a big boost according to Leif Norberg.

A nice central office

“We are centrally located in a great office in Linköping. The office felt big to us at first, but now that we have 11 employees, we’ve almost filled up the space.”

The office hasn’t experienced any really bad times over the two decades.

“It’s really great that we’ve been so successful for 20 years. We’re hoping to keep going in the same spirit in the future,” concludes Leif Norberg.

For more information: Leif Norberg, 013-25 09 42

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