FVB-News 43: New faces at FVB

We have gotten 14 new employees since the last issue of the FVB Newsletter.

Malin Hansson

Malin was hired in the distribution group in Västerås. She will primarily work with project design of distribution lines for district heating and district cooling. Malin has a Bachelor of Engineering in building technology and most recently comes from Peritus Partners.

Thomas Nordin

Thomas most recently comes from Gävle Energi where he worked as a project and process manager in the project department within infrastructure services. Thomas has 30 years of experience within the district heating industry and will work as a project manager in our office in Sundsvall.

Mats Renberg

Mats was hired as an electrical engineer in the Electrical and Automation Group in Västerås. He has a degree in electrical and automation engineering and most recently comes from ABB HVDC. Before that, he worked as a consultant in E&A. Mats has 15 years of experience in electrical, automation and operation engineering in water/sewer plants.

Anders Andersson

Anders was hired for the buildings group in our Stockholm office and most recently comes from Rejlers. Anders has extensive experience in energy efficiency for buildings and will work with energy mapping and operational optimisation, among other things.

Fredrik Karlström

Fredrik most recently comes from Diös Fastigheter, where he worked as an energy optimiser. Fredrik has 30 years of experience in energy and water installations and will work with both buildings and production in our office in Sundsvall.

Daniel Öström

Daniel was hired as an Automation Engineer in the Electrical and Automation Group in Västerås. He is an automation engineer from Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall and most recently comes from the consulting and contracting company Tändkulan.

Adam Stobierski

Adam was hired for our Stockholm office where he will work with office service and administration. Adam most recently comes from his own contracting company in the construction industry.

Karri Ahokas

Karri most recently comes from ÅF where he worked as a water/sewer engineer in infrastructure. Karri has a Bachelor of Engineering in energy technology and also has extensive practical experience in relining water and sewage pipes. Karri now works in our office in Sundsvall.

Birgitta Wretström

Birgitta was hired for the office in Västerås and works with administrative tasks.

Victor Hansen

Victor has been employed at our office in Gävle since June. He is a recently graduated energy engineer from the University of Gävle and has done his COOP with us at FVB. Victor will mainly work with project design, investigation, and tender documentation in district heating distribution.

Magnus Andersson

Magnus, who has previously worked as an operating technician in CHP plants, has been employed in our Gothenburg office since mid-October. Magnus expands our expertise with experience from the production side, but he will also work with construction management in distribution.

Sami Blick

Sami was hired for our office in Linköping. He most recently comes from Linköping Municipality where he primarily worked as a project manager in the land survey department. Sami will work with project management in district heating distribution.

Robert Wahlgren

Robert was hired at our Malmö office in early November. He has extensive experience in the district heating industry and most recently comes from a position as project and construction manager at Hässleholm Miljö. Robert adds project and construction management experience to the Malmö office.

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