Hectic time for FVB in the UK

FVB in the UK has had a hectic time with the implementation of two major district heating projects.

FVB has recently provided design services for the development of a large district heating network that will use residual heat supplied by the SELCHP Energy from Waste plant. The heat network is designed to supply a heating output of up to 30 MW for the supply of heat to both residential and commercial properties in the London Brough of Bermondsey district in southeast London. The project is receiving approximately £5 million of HNIP (Heat Network Investment Project) funding and is a key development in the development of low carbon heat supplies.

Beyond the heat network design elements undertaken, FVB has also provided design services for the modification of the waste incineration plant to enable better heat take off from the steam turbine and to prepare for a peak load plant of 40 MW. On completion of the commercialisation phase, FVB are to undertake detailed construction design for the implementation phase of the project with the heat network proposed to be available for operation in 2023.

Commenting on the project, Peter Russett (General Manager FVB UK) stated “This project is an important project for FVB in the UK. It is our first major contract with Veolia having won the assignment against tough competition from major consulting companies. The team of engineers we have put together from the UK and Sweden shows the experience and cutting-edge expertise we can offer.”

FVB in the UK has also won a major assignment from the installation contractor Proven Project Construction with whom FVB have a long standing working relationship.

The assignment is for the detailed construction design of the district heating network for “The Embassy Quarter” in London, where the end customer is ENGiE, a major global energy company. The project has utilised resource from the wider FVB team including consultants from FVB’s offices both in the UK and Sweden.

“Both projects show that FVB has a broad range and a high level of competence in the low carbon energy arena, but also that our close co-operation between the UK and Swedish teams allows us to provide a wider project offering and provide a total solution to our clients,” says Peter Russett.

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