FVB is investing in research and development
At FVB, we believe knowledge is important. One way to contribute to better knowledge in the industry, but also to steadily increase the skills of our employees, is to participate in various research projects. You can read about two of them here.

Power reduction instead of expansion
Opportunities to reduce the power in the district heating system instead of expanding the system is the starting point of a report produced by David Ekström and others at FVB.
Power-related capacity shortage is a recurring issue for district heating companies today. One way to solve this problem is to take various measures to reduce power consumption in the district heating network.
“In our report, we wanted to show the needs and opportunities that exist to reduce power,” says David Ekström, who wrote the report together with Johan Söderberg and Ulrika Sagebrand.
With support from Energiforsk, FVB has studied five power-reducing measures applied to five different objects. The results are intended to support district heating companies in their efforts to reduce power, but also to inspire new methods of power reduction.
The study includes both networks with power problems due to distribution and networks with major production gains from power reduction.
Another parameter is that the most expensive fuel has to be used during power peaks, which is avoided if the power peaks are reduced.
“We operate in an industry bound by tradition where we sometimes need to broaden our views. My colleagues and I hope that this report can contribute to this dialog and get more people to see alternative solutions,” David concludes.
For more information:
David Ekström, 08-5947 61 76