Take part in FVB's district heating courses in 2024

FVB will be running two courses in Gothenburg in the autumn: District Heating Today 1–3 October and District Heating Tomorrow 9–10 October.

The energy markets are changing fast, becoming ever more complex. Our courses will increase your awareness of what's needed for a district heating company to stay relevant in a changing world with high fuel prices and rising demand for fossil-free energy flows, and where the electrification of industry and digitalisation can create new opportunities for the district heating industry.

The 'District Heating Today' course is aimed at relatively new employees in the district heating industry. It gives a deep and broad insight into how the district heating system works and how to optimise the business in a competitive energy market.

The 'District Heating Tomorrow' course is aimed at experienced employees in the district heating industry. This course focuses on how the energy industries are changing, and how district heating needs to adapt to meet new needs. It covers such topics as how district heating will be affected by the electrification of industry, hydrogen gas projects, long-term storage and digitalisation. We analyse the local district heating systems and present interesting projects to show how energy companies in other countries are handing the transition to fossil-free energy systems of the future.

We collaborate with Professor Emeritus Sven Werner from Halmstad University for both the courses. For more details and to enrol, go to: www.fvb.se/utbildning

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