New employees at FVB
We have hired 8 new employees since the last issue of the FVB News.

Sune Torstensson
Sune is employed as a construction manager at FVB’s Malmö office. He has solid experience as a construction worker, excavator, and loader operator and most recently came from a position as supervisor for district heating and district cooling contracts at Svevia.

Christoffer Nordström
Christoffer has a Master of Science in Engineering in energy technology and most recently comes from Marklund Solutions and before that Värmevärden.
He is employed in the production group in Västerås and works with investigations and project management.

Nemanja Bulatovic
Nemanja is employed in the distribution group in Stockholm. He most recently comes from Afry, where he has worked with design of district heating and district cooling for three years, which he will continue with at FVB. Nemanja started in September.

Ahmad Al Hussein
Ahmad has been employed at the Örebro office as a planning manager within distribution.
He has a Master of Science in Engineering within building and construction and has previously worked with geotechnical engineering at Swecsa in Halmstad.

Per Hallingström
Per has been hired in the distribution group in Stockholm.
He works with construction management of distribution projects and has previously worked as a supervisor at IVM for nine years.

Louise Kempe
Louise was hired in the Gothenburg office in June, where she works with design of distribution lines for district heating and district cooling.
Louise is a recently graduated energy engineer from Mid Sweden University.

Adam Carlsson
Adam has been employed as an energy consultant at the Sundsvall office located in Ljusdal since August.
Adam most recently comes from Afry, where he worked as HVAC engineer, and has about 20 years of experience from the HVAC industry, both as an engineer and as an HVAC installer.

Anders Bergh
Anders has been employed as an energy consultant at the Sundsvall office located in Ljusdal since August.
Anders most recently comes from Ljusdal Energi where he was business area manager for district heating. He has about 40 years of experience from the water and sewage industry and district heating industry in many different roles.