Great environmental benefit in new wetland park

WBAB in Smedjebacken have created a new wetland park to filter sewage in the final phase after it has been through the sewage treatment plant. FVB was Project Manager for the technical systems.

Even when the water has been purified in several stages in a sewage treatment plant, there may still be impurities such as pharmaceutical residues, heavy metals and environmental toxins. Today's sewage treatment plants cannot clean this completely. In the wetland park, these pollutants are taken up through the soil and the roots of the plants. In addition, the plants take up nutrients that would otherwise have contributed to eutrophication of the lakes and waterways that flow into Lake Mälaren. The project is therefore important to the environment and is supported by the EU (LIFE IP Rich-Waters project), the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, LONA.

FVB has been involved in several stages of creating the wetland park. The company has been Project Manager for the pumping station and water and sewage system to the park, along with project planning and design of the pumping station and supply pipes. The job also included a system solution and automation for process and system integration of the wetland park in the existing sewage plant's process flow.

“It's been a fascinating project, in which FVB contributed to several skills areas,” says Per Stegberg.

Illustration: WBAB

For further information, contact: Per Stegberg, +46 (0)21-81 80 63

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