District heating – the key to reaching climate goals in the U.K.
As you know, England is a little behind Sweden when it comes to expanding district heating. Business Sweden, which runs Heat Networks in England, published a summary in its latest newsletter of “Things to consider” for cities planning for district heating and thus contributing to reaching the national climate goals. These thought-provoking arguments were posed by FVB’s Valeria Khnykina, at FVB’s office in London. Valeria has made a summary consisting of eight tips for cities thinking about establishing a district heating network.
English cities are under increasing pressure to take responsibility for their share of the national climate goals. In this respect, one of the biggest challenges for local authorities is to reduce carbon emissions. New district heating networks have been identified as the key to reaching the goals.
FVB has the cutting-edge expertise that cities need when it comes to deploying district heating.

This involves finding key customers in the networks, discovering who the major consumers of heat are, identifying local heat sources, measuring consumption in existing buildings, and making sure hydronic systems are built into properties.
This list goes on and on, but it’s also important to create a positive attitude towards district heating and finding societal cooperation to facilitate future connections.
For more information: Ola Nordgren, 021-81 80 65